Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Government puts safety of blood products in jeopardy

UNISON, the UK’s largest union, is warning the government that proposals to privatise key parts of the NHS Blood and Transplant Service (NHSBT) puts the safety of blood products at risk. In a strongly worded letter to Minister of State for Health, Simon Burns, the union is calling for assurances that this vital service will be protected from privatisation and profit making. Karen Jennings, UNISON Head of Health, said: “Putting the profit motive into blood collection is abhorrent. It is not possible to hive off parts of it to the private sector and pretend that this is a profit free service dedicated solely to saving lives. “It changes the core value of the NHS Blood and Transport Service based on volunteers and charities, giving voluntarily. The fact that NHSBT can call on donors when supplies are low or in local or national emergencies, or on charities to help in the collection of stem cells and organs should not be underestimated – it saves lives.“The NHSBT relies on a long-standing national consensus that people give blood and organs to save lives. If there is any sense that peoples’ giving will result in other peoples’ profit then the whole system is severely compromised and could break down.”The union is calling on the Government to give assurances that the privatisation will be shelved, ahead of a meeting of NHSBT staff from across the country on 9 March. The union is warning that failure to provide these assurances will lead to widespread opposition from staff and the public.

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