NHS is Cameron's weakness
The NHS will make David Cameron a one-term prime minister, shadow health secretary Andy Burnham told UNISON's Labour Link forum in Cardiff.
He accused the prime minister of using the NHS "cynically" before the election, making promises that he immediately broke.
And noted that Naguib Kheraj, the vice-chairman of Barclays Bank plc, was now a non-executive director of the NHS commissioning board - the prime minster had given "the man from Barclays the job of running the NHS."
He praised the "great campaign against the health bill that did huge political damage to the coalition" and said it showed that when the trade union movement and the Labour Party work together they are a force to be reckoned with.
The NHS is the battleground to fight on he said, reminding delegates that the famous Clinton campaign slogan "it's the economy stupid," had a second, less-quoted, sentence: "But don't forget healthcare."
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