Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dave Prentis, general secretary

Our industrial action ballot over unnecessary and damaging plans to make public sector workers work longer, pay more and get less in their retirement, closes on Thursday 3 November. See what the changes mean to you
here.Everyone entitled to vote should have received their ballot paper by now - find yours at home and post it back - don't delay. Vote Yes today. It's important that you use your vote. We know that those who are against us will argue that any abstention is a No vote and means you're in favour of the attacks on your pension. Don't give them that excuse!So act now and vote Yes to defend your pension. And forward this e-mail to your work colleagues and friends. If you haven't received your ballot paper, or if you need a replacement, remember you've got until midday on 31 October to call the ballot hotline on 0845 355 0845.

Separating the pensions facts from the right wing fiction:

If closed today the LGPS could still pay all its liabilities for 20 years.

The Treasury gets £2bn more in NHS pension contributions than it pays out in benefits.

The average Local Government pension is £4,000 pa - hardly gold plated.

The average NHS pension is £7,000 per annum - again hardly gold plated.

Half of NHS women pensioners receive less than £3,500 per annum.

The bosses of Britain's largest companies have an average pension 34 times bigger than the average public sector pension

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