Support rallies for Plymouth UNISON
Hundreds rallied for union rights in Plymouth this lunchtime as pressure mounted on the Tory council to reverse its derecognition of UNISON.The council derecognised the union – the largest among its workforce – last week after UNISON refused to sign a new collective agreement introducing worse pay and conditions for staff, which legal advice said was potentially discriminatory.The move was condemned by general secretary Dave Prentis as an "aggressive and disproportionate response to UNISON's honest efforts to protect our members. jobs, pay and conditions and protect vital services for local people" and he urged the council to get back round the table and negotiate.Over the past week, the UNISON branch has been overwhelmed by messages of support from the people of Plymouth and the labour movement across the country and the globe.Yesterday, the European Public Service Unions general secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan wrote to the council, urging it to re-recognise UNISON, and the branch received a message of support from New York municipal workers.Bill Henning, vice president of US union CWA in New York, wrote: "On behalf of the 10,000 members of our local union, comprising many who work for the City of New York, we express our solidarity with our sisters and brothers in UNISON. "We stand ready to assist you in any way possible." An injury to one is an injury to all. Your victory will be our victory."And today, hundreds of UNISON members, Plymouth residents and fellow trade unionists turned out at the lunch-time rally outside the Civic Centre to press Plymouth council to recognise UNISON and start talking.South West regional secretary Joanne Kaye said: "The only sensible solution is for the council to restore recognition and let us get back to the negotiating table and find a solution we can all support."We are being condemned for standing up for our members and standing firm against pay cuts – but that is our role as a trade union, and the council needs to understand this."The union's lawyers have also written to the council, warning of a legal challence if it does not see sense.
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