Monday, February 21, 2011

Cameron sell off- UNISON response

Commenting on plans announced by David Cameron to open public services up to private companies, UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis, said: Not content with breaking apart our NHS and our schools, the Tories are now turning their wrecking ball onto the entire public sector. The Tories want to turn the clock back to a time when private companies ran schools, hospitals and other council services. The state was forced to step in when the market failed to give people equal access to decent services. Taking vital services out of the public sector will see a postcode lottery develop. Huge transaction costs and a tsunami of bureaucracy will waste billions. As private companies seek to eke out profits they will strip our services to their bare bones. This is not about modernisation - it is about privatisation, creating an open market for the Tories friends in big business to make billions out of our public services.

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