Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Con-dem Government condemning country to 'dismal, downward spiral'

At the “All Together for Public Services” protest rally at Central Hall Westminster, Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest public services union, will warn the Chancellor that the unions will not go away “we will be back”. He will say:“The Tories and Lib Dems are intent on dragging our country into a dismal, downward spiral of despair. They have a one-track policy, which is an obsession with cuts and they are ignoring credible alternatives. They should be building for recovery not knocking-down hope for our future. For young people whose opportunities are being stifled before they even have a chance to get into university or into training, to get an apprenticeship or a job.“The truth is they are not interested in alternatives. “They don’t care if the poor, the elderly, the vulnerable are the targets of cuts. They don’t care if hundreds of thousands of families suffer because they no longer have a breadwinner. “If they did, they would see that they could claw back billions of pounds by taxing the banks that caused the recession in the first place. They would stop pussy-footing round with a “voluntary code of conduct” on tax avoidance by the banks. Make it compulsory – They shouldn’t be doing it – and they are robbing the country of vital revenue needed to get it back on its feet. “I am warning the Government today - the public can only take so much, working people will only take so much, and this union has already had enough. Today, up and down the country, UNISON members are holding rallies and marches and lobbying their MPs.“And make no mistake. If the Government doesn’t listen to us today, they won’t have heard the last of us. If George Osborne’s cuts go through – cuts that could mean a death sentence for our services and our communities – then we will be back.“For every one of us in this room today, we will bring a hundred more. We’ll march in our thousands ad we’ll vote in our millions.“We will unite and fight-back against the cuts. - the future of our public services are at stake and I will not let this Government set fire to them.

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