Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Local government employers offer just 0.5%

(07/04/09) Local government unions expressed bitter disappointment yesterday at a 0.5% pay offer by the Local Government Employers.The employers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have said that the offer, which is for 2009-10, will not be imposed, but will be withdrawn on 1 June if it has not been accepted by then.The offer is lower than increases in other areas of the public sector, lower than most councils have budgeted for – and lower than the 2.33% rise that MPs have voted themselves.The unions – UNISON, together with Unite and the GMB – are meeting today to discuss their response.UNISON head of local government Heather Wakefield said: "I am bitterly disappointed and surprised at the offer."We know that most local authorities have budgeted for an increase of between 1.5% and 2%."Times are tough, but this offer of 0.5% will make it even harder for local government workers, who are already struggling to make ends meet."And she concluded: "The employers should look closely at other pay rates in the public sector or they risk losing essential staff and jeopardising services."

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