Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello,A quick question -

who wants to take away the legal guarantee protecting your rights - threatening your holidays and even your parental leave?It may be difficult to believe but it's actually "family friendly" Dave Cameron.The Tories have spent a lot of money telling us that they've changed. Millionaire Dave has gone to great lengths - cycling around town, waiting for his photo to be taken in Woolies and posing with a few Huskies in Norway. He's even shunned Waitrose and headed for Tesco at least once.But Dave's plans to pull Britain out of the Social Chapter - the part of the law which guarantees fair treatment at work - reveals the truth behind all the slick marketing. He wants to roll your rights back by twenty years.But we can stop him - sign our petition to protect your rights. www.unionstogether.org.uk/hiddentruth He may pretend to have our interests at heart, but the facts are clear. He wants to scrap the legal guarantee that gives us four weeks paid holiday, the right to be consulted about changes at work and our entitlement to parental leave - denying the legal right for parents to spend time with their newborn babies in the critical first few weeks. That's just three examples - but Cameron's threatening dozens more of your rights.In fact, he's said that axing these legal guarantees is his "top priority."It's something that he'll never say on TV or write in a leaflet but he's threatening all of these rights and more.Sign our petition and send Cameron a message that your rights matter. Dave may pretend to be everyone's new best friend but it's clear that he's faking it. It's not surprising really. After all, Millionaire Dave actively campaigned against the National Minimum Wage - when some people were earning just £1.20 an hour.We need to send him a message and I want you to be one of the first to do it. Sign up to say that your rights matter - No matter what the marketing says, it's clear that he's only interested in protecting big business rather than ordinary working people. Sign the petition and then invite your friends to do the same. Thank you. Our rights are precious - we need your help to protect them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The west midlands needs more unions.