Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Affordable, justified and necessary

(09/02/09) The NJC Trade Union Side has welcomed the opportunity to submit evidence to the panel of ACAS arbitrators appointed to resolve the 2008-09 NJC pay dispute within local government. We hope that we have reinforced the merits and rationale of our 2008-09 claim in the following pages. The claim is available for examination in Appendix 2. It was for:'A one-year increase on all pay points of 6% or 50 pence an hour, whichever is the greater, with a view to making progress to a bottom rate of £6.75 pence'We believe the employers’ offer of 2.45% has not adequately rewarded or met the financial needs of our members during 2008/09. Indeed, it has further increased the financial hardship they have found themselves in as a result of a series of below-inflation pay awards in recent years.Full details of the claim:

TU submission - Word doc Appendix - PDF

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