Friday, June 20, 2008

Diversity 'is not the problem'

Racism, discrimination and poverty are the main barriers to integration - not cultural diversity, UNISON's national delegate conference declared today.Delegates voted for a range of measures to defend and promote multiculturalism and community cohesion. And they reaffirmed the union's commitment to opposing the far right and fighting racism.That fight needs to be year-round, not just at election-time, conference said, noting concern at the rising popularity of the BNP, and sending a message to all UNISON members that "the campaigning has got to start now."It was for everyone to tackle racism wherever they confronted it, and to work with all appropriate organisations to bring their communities together, urged speaker after speaker."As a union we can't just talk about this; we have to put in the resources and our time and energy, in our workplaces and on the streets," said Northern regional convenor Clare Williams."In UNISON we can rightly be proud of our campaigning work against the BNP... but let's be clear, we have still got work to do," she said."This is our message to the BNP," she said: "We will challenge you wherever you are until there is not a single BNP councillor and you are back in the gutter where you belong."Conference condemned government attacks on migrant workers, particularly ministerial statements which fuelled the far right and gave credence to the right-wing gutter press. Delegates also condemned media coverage "designed to create a climate of Islamophobic hysteria and isolate, demonise and even criminalise Islamic religious practices, choice of dress and cultural expression. "We regard these attacks as essentially racist," conference said.Conference also backed continued support for the joint UNISON and National Assembly Against Racism campaign, One Society, Many Cultures.Leading the call on behalf of the union's national black members' committee, Bev Millar reminded delegates why it was important to promote racial harmony."Where multiculturalism is celebrated, diversity is welcomed and racism is combated," she said. "Britain is a dynamic and successful multicultural society thanks to the contribution of all its citizens."Multiculturalism enriches us all by encouraging different ethnic groups to share their cultural heritage, added Rochdale branch delegate June Poole."We're already neighbours," she said - let's be neighbourly. "And remember, we're all different, but we're all equal."

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