Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Union recommends rejection of 2.45% offer

(08/04/08) UNISON’s lay committee overseeing local government talks in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is consulting members on the employers’ final offer, under the local government group's pay consultation procedures, with a recommendation to reject.The offer, made made on 2 April. is worth 2.45%, plus an extra £100 for lower paid members – an increase of 3.3%The consultation will be carried out on the basis that – if members vote to reject the offer – they will need be prepared to take sustained and escalating strike action, starting with a two-day strike and escalating to more than two consecutive days of action, to get the employers back to the negotiating table.Branches will be strongly encouraged to carry out branch ballots and return the results to their regional offices by 7 May. The union’s NJC committee will meet again on 12 May to consider the outcome of the consultation.Materials for the ballot and the campaign are currently being prepared and a branch circular will sent to local government branches.

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