Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blue Valentine

(14/02/08) UNISON is calling upon the government to abandon plans to impose pay cuts on public service workers for another year running.The union's national secretaries for health, education and local government delivered a giant Valentine's card to the House of Commons. It reads: "Roses are red, violets are blue, but 2% just won't do."The government's 2% pay limit on public service workers comes as they are faced with steep hikes in the cost of housing, fuel and food. And economists predict even higher inflation is on the way."With even less in their pockets, our loyal, hard-working public service workers such as teaching assistants, ambulance drivers and nurses are going to have to dig deep to keep up," said UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis. UNISON, through its united Pay Matters campaign, is fighting for a fair deal for public service workers, one that recognises the difference they make to local communities, and respects and rewards their work with decent pay.

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