Tuesday, October 16, 2007


PRESS RELEASE 16/10/2007

Shrewsbury and Atcham Labour Group deplore the backward looking decision by Tory Councillors at last night’s Council meeting, in appealing against the Judicial Review Decision by SABC, which was rejected on all the three grounds presented to the High Court.

Deputy Leader Cllr Mansel Williams declared - "The decision to now go to Appeal will mean further confusion for the people of Shrewsbury. While all the other Districts are united in working together and moving forward, Shrewsbury is set for stagnation. Speakers from all the Political Groups at the Council meeting acknowledged that there was going to be a Unitary Council – so why are the Tories pressing ahead with an appeal, which might lead to yet further financial liabilities to SABC?"

The Conservative administration has voted to join with Congleton Borough Council to progress an appeal through the courts. Councillor Liz Parsons said,
“We believe this is a misguided distraction from the important matters which should now be the focus of attention. The Labour members of the Council believe any appeal will be pursued by lawyers purely to prove a point in law and will have a poor chance of success. A sum of £220,000 has already been spent on the failed Judicial Review and there are further costs to be met. This is taxpayer’s money which has been squandered.”

Cllr Alan Townsend said "Think what benefits could have been provided for residents of the town if the money for the appeal had been spent improving services and facilities."

Councillor Roy Sambrook added,

“We also feel that the manner in which the whole Unitary debate was presented to Council was a disgrace. The Tory motion was handed to members only minutes before the start of the meeting and indeed some members did not receive a copy until the meeting was underway. What must members of the public feel about council business being conducted in such a shambolic way?
The Leader and Chief Executive of SABC should put their efforts into engaging in discussions about a future unitary authority, to secure a voice for employees of the council and residents of the Borough rather than trying to push through a decision which will mean that Shrewsbury is yet again out on a limb and out of step with the other Shropshire Districts.”

The Labour Group has been in favour of a Unitary Council for Shropshire from the outset. They believe that it will cut out the duplication inherent in the present 5 Districts and County model of political Governance. A new Unitary Council will also bring efficiencies, leading to lower council tax increases along with improved services. Continuing to pursue the legal challenge is putting the pursuit of a sterile legal argument before the challenge of working closely with the other Shropshire District Councils and the County Council to form the new Unitary Council.

Cllr Mansel Williams stated “Last night’s decision will waste yet more time and probably more money on a purely academic Appeal. The decision is a face-saving exercise for SABC’s Tory Administration in support to their Tory colleagues on Congleton Borough Council, but ill serves the best interests of the residents of Shrewsbury and Shropshire.”

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