Monday, September 24, 2007

Strike ballot gets green light

UNISON is to ask its local government members outside Scotland whether they're prepared to take action over this year's low pay offer.The ballot was given the go ahead by the union's industrial action committee at a meeting today. Papers will be sent out in October.Earlier this month local government representatives rejected the employers' revised offer of 2.475% and a new minimum rate on scale point 4 of £6 an hour.The deal is below inflation, despite being a slight improvement on the original offer. The Retail Price Index figures were recorded at 4.1% in August.UNISON’s head of local government, Heather Wakefield, said: "I don't want to see local government pay falling further behind the rest of the public sector and private sector. Our members' morale is low. We urge employers to help resolve this situation by returning to talks." Council workers covered by the pay claim include care home and home care assistants, housing and environmental health officers, refuse collectors, librarians and school cooks. Almost two thirds of them, 75% of whom are women, earn £15,825 or under a year -- £8,000 less than the national average.

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