New local government
pay offer
Local government employers today upped their pay offer to trade unions in a last-ditch attempt to stave off industrial action.The improved deal offers a 3.4% pay rise to the poorest paid council workers, taking them to £6 an hour for the first time. All other local government employees would see 2.475% added to their pay packets. "This is a welcome breakthrough for the lowest paid and only came about as a result of very tough negotiations," said UNISON head of local government Heather Wakefield."We recognise that local government bosses have surpassed the government's own stated pay limit of 2% and unions will now meet to consider this improvement."Today's crux meeting followed six months of negotiations. NJC unions will meet on 4 September to consider the revised offer.Between them, the three NJC trade unions - UNISON, GMB and TGWU-UNITE - represent more than one million council workers.They welcomed the fact that an improved offer had been made, but said that it remains disappointing, with inflation running at 3.8% and councils having exceeded their efficiency targets this year.For more details, download the latest pay circular:
NJC pay – improved offer [PDF]Members are advised to check UNISON's news and local government pages regularly for the latest information and updates.